This shouldn't work. But does.

The surprising way to grow your business without burnout.

If what you are doing is working for you right now, stop here.

You don’t need this.

You are done.


If you are still reading, I think I know why.

And let me be clear, this is not about an economy that was tough, then got REALLY tough.

The current economy is the only one we have; it is out of our power to change.

Option 1: We can wish it was easier.

Option 2: We can wish we were better.

As founders, Option 2 is all we have, and need.

As founders we are not prepared to outsource our destiny to politicians in the hope they may make some smarter decisions. History tells us otherwise. So we always go with Option 2.

The ugly truth of now.

What used to work well is not working like it used to.

Easy has gone away. (For now. It will come back)

The knee-jerk reaction to things getting tougher is to double down on effort.

In short, longer hours.

Now, the interesting thing about the knee-jerk reaction is it happens automatically without the involvement of the brain.


Likewise, our reaction to tougher times is to work harder, longer hours, more weekends, less holidays.

That is our reflex reaction.

But the brain wasn’t that involved in the decision.

It is our version of kicking the knee in the air when someone taps the tendon just below the knee cap.

Burnout, here I come.

Right now, you are 5 days a week on your business. All in.

Then, for 2 days a week you are focused on family and friends. All in.


There are ZERO DAYS for you.

Maybe, if you get lucky, you will have an hour or two in the sunshine.

And, because you are hard-wired to keep learning, you use that time to listen to another podcast.

Read another self-help book.

Do another course.

And so, the wheel turns.

The busy head gets EVEN busier.

Our quest for knowledge is relentless.

And understandable.

It is that knowledge that gives us our edge.

But I was on the same treadmill of busy, when I realised something was missing…

And that something was me.

In between work and home, there was no time for me.


I was having a rare hour on the deck at home, just for me.

I was listening to yet another podcast.

Then I just had this weird feeling that my head was full.

I couldn’t cram any more knowledge in.

I took my air pods out and stopped the podcast.

That was a turning point.
I realised in that moment I didn’t need more knowledge; I needed more clarity on the knowledge I ALREADY had.
I phoned Mike Coulter.
I told him I thought we should re-think how we work.
He told me that he had quietly begun taking Mondays just for him.
He is always one step ahead.
He made me realise what I was MISSING. And that was the head space to let all my knowledge settle.
So I could have ideas, my best ideas…
I began taking Thursdays for myself.
And they soon become the day where I was having my best thinking.

I realised I didn’t need more knowledge;
I needed more clarity on the knowledge I ALREADY had.

And, so had Mike.

Henry Ford pioneered the 5-day week to help workers get more rest and for him to make more cars.

But look around; you and I aren’t making cars.
(Assuming you are not Elon)

You are NOT on a production line.

You are in the knowledge business.

And as a founder, you work in sprints.

You launch.

You rest. (if you are smart)

But the TRUTH is you launch more than you REST.

That is the road to BURNOUT.

Henry Ford designed the 5-day week to stop his workers from going there.


Our work has changed.

Yet, our way of working has not.

As founders, we make a living in the knowledge economy.

Our brain takes that knowledge we find and provides us with our unique insight on it.

And that is how we stand out.

For the brain to work best, it needs space to make sense of that knowledge.

The irony is we think we need more knowledge to have better ideas.

This is why we keep filling the ‘Busy Head’ with more alpha, just like I was doing when resting on the deck.

The opposite is what works best…

At home, I had been weeding a pond and it had gotten muddied in the process.

I then tried to take more weeds out to make it clear again, which made it even muddier.

Then it struck me… I was doing the same thing by cramming more knowledge into my already ‘Busy Head’, which was like adding more mud to the pond.

To get the pond clearer I had to do something most founders struggle with: NOTHING.

All I had to do was NOTHING.

When I simply gave the pond time and walked away, it became clear.

If I wanted to have the best ideas of my life, I had to give my head a day of nothing.

I had to let all that knowledge settle.

I had to replace the ‘Busy Head’ with the ‘Thinking Head.’

I had finally realised clear thinker’s win.

Clear thinkers make connections that ‘BUSY HEADS’ can’t even see.

I realised this was the MISSING LESSON that Mike and I had been on a quest for. And it was the missing piece in all the courses we had ever done. It was the final piece of the jigsaw.

I was having a rare hour on the deck at home, just for me.

I was listening to yet another podcast.

Then I just had this weird feeling that my head was full.

I couldn’t cram any more knowledge in.

I took my air pods out and stopped the podcast.

That was a turning point.
I realised in that moment I didn’t need more knowledge; I needed more clarity on the knowledge I ALREADY had.
I phoned Mike Coulter.
I told him I thought we should re-think how we work.
He told me that he had quietly begun taking Mondays just for him.
He is always one step ahead.
He made me realise what I was MISSING. And that was the head space to let all my knowledge settle.
So I could have ideas, my best ideas…
I began taking Thursdays for myself.
And they soon become the day where I was having my best thinking.

I realised I didn’t need more knowledge;
I needed more clarity on the knowledge I ALREADY had.

And, so had Mike.

Henry Ford pioneered the 5-day week to help workers get more rest and for him to make more cars.

But look around; you and I aren’t making cars.
(Assuming you are not Elon)

You are NOT on a production line.

You are in the knowledge business.

And as a founder, you work in sprints.

You launch.

You rest. (if you are smart)

But the TRUTH is you launch more than you REST.

That is the road to BURNOUT.

Henry Ford designed the 5-day week to stop his workers from going there.


Our work has changed.

Yet, our way of working has not.

As founders, we make a living in the knowledge economy.

Our brain takes that knowledge we find and provides us with our unique insight on it.

And that is how we stand out.

For the brain to work best, it needs space to make sense of that knowledge.

The irony is we think we need more knowledge to have better ideas.

This is why we keep filling the ‘Busy Head’ with more alpha, just like I was doing when resting on the deck.

The opposite is what works best…

At home, I had been weeding a pond and it had gotten muddied in the process.

I then tried to take more weeds out to make it clear again, which made it even muddier.

Then it struck me… I was doing the same thing by cramming more knowledge into my already ‘Busy Head’, which was like adding more mud to the pond.

To get the pond clearer I had to do something most founders struggle with: NOTHING.

All I had to do was NOTHING.

When I simply gave the pond time and walked away, it became clear.

If I wanted to have the best ideas of my life, I had to give my head a day of nothing.

I had to let all that knowledge settle.

I had to replace the ‘Busy Head’ with the ‘Thinking Head.’

I had finally realised clear thinker’s win.

Clear thinkers make connections that ‘BUSY HEADS’ can’t even see.

I realised this was the MISSING LESSON that Mike and I had been on a quest for. And it was the missing piece in all the courses we had ever done. It was the final piece of the jigsaw.

This is you rethinking your week.

You have ONE DAY for YOU.

The week becomes: ‘Four. One. Two.’

Four for business. One for you. Two for family.

That is 52 days a year for you.

Which is a lot more than zero.

That is a lot of head space to have your best ideas.

Sorry, Henry Ford.

The 5-day a week will only lead you to BURNOUT.

And, importantly, it means you can’t create any HEAD SPACE for you to have your best ideas.

Your best ideas are needed now. Tough economies require your best.

You have to OUT-THINK your competition.

Not OUT-WORK them.

Remember this.

Every bone in your body will tell you to keep doing the 5-day a week grind.

Especially now.

That resistance is what you will have to defeat.

Don’t worry.

We have science and studies to back this up.

This is for the logical side of the brain which is currently in panic mode.

Who said it was going to be easy?

 Even for someone who loves learning as much as me, I had to accept that I didn’t need more knowledge.


I had to give my head space.

Creativity works by connecting unrelated dots together.

But a ‘Busy Head’ can’t connect those dots. It doesn’t even know they are there.

So, the leaps of imagination are not jumped, so our best ideas are not had.

The ‘Busy Head’ was going to stop my business from thriving.

I had to get off the treadmill of my own making…

  • No phones.
  • No computers.
  • No interruptions.
  • Do something that takes your mind off business.
  • Doesn’t have to be on a Friday.
  • You chose how you take your mind off things.

‘Be the master of Dopamine. Or the slave to your distractions.’

This is a digital-free day.
I called it ‘Fallow Friday’ even though mine was on a Thursday. And Mike’s was on a Monday.
The practice can happen on any day.
(But most people will do a Friday as it fits with the end of the week.)

It is ONE DAY for you. To let all that knowledge settle.

The Magic Started Happening.

 The first Thursday was not easy for me.

 I felt like I was cheating on my business.

 And I was having dopamine withdrawals.

 But I stuck at it.

 At the end of the day, I was tired because I had been doing manual labour. 

Then in a moment, I had this idea come to me.

I had been trying to solve it for 12 months.

Bolt. Out. Of. The. Blue.

I put it down to beginner’s luck.

Then the same thing happened the next Thursday.

And the next.

The ideas kept coming.

It was either pure luck, or there was something to this.

But that wasn’t even the best bit.

Thursday became my day.

My safe harbour.

I felt like a weight lifted.

I had not had such clear thinking in years about my business.

I felt like I was winning again.

And the ideas just kept coming.


Even, in a short few months, it had become my most important practice.

Don’t get me wrong.

Busy is a tough, sly and cunning opponent.

And it will try and guilt you into stopping this.

Don’t give in.

Have one day for you.

Your business needs you to be at your best.

Not your most tired and stressed.

This is the battle we must win.

Like I said, in tough economies, the automatic reaction is to work longer, work harder.

It is understandable.

And we have all done it.

But in these times, clear thinkers win.

Because great ideas have a bigger impact on your business than how long you can work.

You have enough knowledge.

Decades of non-stop learning.

You need some head space to make sense of it.

Clear thinkers win.


Having a day ‘for you’ will feel very odd at first.

You may feel lazy.

You will feel guilty.

You would rather stick to the treadmill of the 5-day week.

Because BUSY is tough opponent.

But, know this, busy is a form of laziness.

‘We are kept from our goal not by obstacles but by a clear path to a lesser."
— Robert Brault

It wants you to do the easy things that don’t make much difference to your business like working longer.

It doesn’t want you to do hard things like THINKING.

Thinking is hard.

But one idea can materially change your business in a single second of inspiration.

That is why we have done this course.

The resistance to trying this will be HUGE from some founders.

Staying on the treadmill just feels more right.

This is the battle we must win.

Like I said, in tough economies, the automatic reaction is to work longer, work harder.

It is understandable.

And we have all done it.

But in these times, clear thinkers win.

Because great ideas have a bigger impact on your business than how long you can work.

You have enough knowledge.

Decades of non-stop learning.

You need some head space to make sense of it.

Clear thinkers win.


Having a day ‘for you’ will feel very odd at first.

You may feel lazy.

You will feel guilty.

You would rather stick to the treadmill of the 5-day week.

Because BUSY is tough opponent.

But, know this, busy is a form of laziness.

‘We are kept from our goal not by obstacles but by a clear path to a lesser."
— Robert Brault

It wants you to do the easy things that don’t make much difference to your business like working longer.

It doesn’t want you to do hard things like THINKING.

Thinking is hard.

But one idea can materially change your business in a single second of inspiration.

That is why we have done this course.

The resistance to trying this will be HUGE from some founders.

Staying on the treadmill just feels more right.

Lesson #1. How did we get here?
It is important for the logical part of our brain to understand the history of work hours. We think we are working less hours than any time in history, but that isn’t exactly true. In the 13th and 14th centuries we worked less hours, and had more leisure time than we do now. We think we are winning now, but it is good to know this context. This will help us to rethink our current situation.

Lesson #2. The 8-hour day myth.
Our knee-jerk reaction to a tough economy is to work harder and longer. That is understandable. But it is good to understand how we spend our time each day. Less than 3 hours a day is doing actual work. The rest is other stuff. This module will help you to rethink your time. You don’t need to work longer. You just have to rethink your focus. Remember wants you to choose badly. Lots of gold here.

Lesson #3. Fallow Friday.
This module gets us to understand why the 5-day week is the road to burnout. It keeps us busy, we have average ideas, and at the end of the week, we know deep down this is the path to unhappiness and failure. It shares with you the science and the studies why ‘One Day’ for you will help you and your business win again.

Lesson #4. Design your week.
Busy is a tough opponent. Unless you design your week, you WILL REVERT to busy. But in this module, you will learn through behaviour design to design your week that this practice is one you stick to. Learn how the ‘Default Mode Network’ takes over your problem-solving functions while you are going for a walk. Pure gold here.

Lesson #5. Counterintuitive advantage.
There will be huge resistance to do this. How can achieve more by doing less? This module walks you through how busy traps you on its treadmill. And gives you examples of how doing the opposite of what you would think produces unexpected results. And it shows how ‘Busy’ produces diminishing returns even though we are working longer and harder. Essential.

Lesson #6. Rest better.
We are not good at mastering dopamine. When we leave work, we take work home with us. We are not getting deep rest in the evening and so we are stealing our energy from tomorrow. We must create hard stops. We must master dopamine. Or be the slave to our distractions. This module will show you how.

Plus, we are going to add bonus lessons.

Plus, a live Q+A with David and Mike.

  • Small brand/business owners.
  • Company of ones.
  • Strategists and marketeers.
  • Freelancers.
  • Entrepreneurs who want balance.
  • Creative people. To have your best ideas. To make you feel like you are winning at business and life.
  • Learn how to leave Busy. This will not be easy. But it will be worthwhile.
  • Learn the truth of the 8-hour work day mth.
  • Discover the power of letting all that knowledge settle, so that you can THINK.
  • Design your week. So you win.
  • Learn how to switch off. Master your Dopamine.
  • It is just 6 short films. This is the course you can finish. We have kept it short on purpose.
  • This course is yours for life.
  • Learn our hacks, to save you time.
  • How to RETHINK your working week so that you win, and your business wins.
  • How to tame the ‘Busy Head’ and replace it with the ‘Thinking Head.’
  • How to design your 4-day week. (Not someone else’s.). And stick to it.
  • How to ‘Incubate' your best ideas by walking away.
  • Learn the Myth of the 8-hour day and why that will help you to not work longer.
  • Why counter-intuitive ideas work. For example: working less can produce more.
  • Why well-being won’t wait. And yes, you can grow your business without burnout.
  • Aren’t you tired of being tired? How to learn to rest, so the energy and fun come back again.

The ‘Missing Lesson’ is a new way of working.

So you can grow your business without burnout.

In a few moments, it will all be yours.

Lifetime Guarantee.

  • Small brand/business owners.
  • Company of ones.
  • Strategists and marketeers.
  • Freelancers.
  • Busy entrepreneurs.
  • Busy people. To have your best ideas. To make you feel like you are winning at business and life.
  • Learn how to leave Busy. This will not be easy. But it will be worthwhile.
  • Learn the truth of the 8-hour work day mth.
  • Discover the power of letting all that knowledge settle, so that you can THINK.
  • Design your week. So you win.
  • Learn how to switch off. Master your Dopamine.
  • It is just 6 short films. This is the course you can finish. We have kept it short on purpose.
  • This course is yours for life.
  • Learn our hacks, to save you time.
  • How to RETHINK your working week so that you win, and your business wins.
  • How to tame the ‘Busy Head’ and replace it with the ‘Thinking Head.’
  • How to design your 4-day week. (Not someone else’s.). And stick to it.
  • How to ‘Incubate' your best ideas by walking away.
  • Learn the Myth of the 8-hour day and why that will help you to not work longer.
  • Why counter-intuitive ideas work. For example: working less can produce more.
  • Why well-being won’t wait. And yes, you can grow your business without burnout.
  • Aren’t you tired of being tired? How to learn to rest, so the energy and fun come back again.

The ‘Missing Lesson’ is a new way of working.

So you can grow your business without burnout.

In a few moments, it will all be yours.

Lifetime Guarantee.

David Hieatt. Bankrupt at 16. Thrown out of college at 18. Joined Saatchi and Saatchi at 21. Had a ball. Left advertising to go back to Wales. Started howies in 1995. Sold it to Timberland. Left. Started The DO Lectures, which was voted one of the top 10 ideas festivals in the world by the Guardian. And in 2012 started a company making jeans called The Hiut Denim Co. in his hometown of Cardigan. A town that used to have Britain’s biggest jeans factory. Its purpose is to get 400 people their jobs back. As of today, it now employs 27 people.

Mike Coulter. After an award-winning career as an advertising copywriter, Mike Coulter was an early, very early, adopter and advocate of social media. (He was the 11,700th person to spot the potential of and sign up for Twitter in 2006.) In 2016, at the start of a long and fruitful association with The Do; Mike worked on the hugely influential ‘Side Projects Report with us, which was the catalyst and inspiration for him to train and qualify as an enthusiastic evangelist, ambassador and coach for Stanford University Professor BJ Fogg’s ground-breaking Tiny Habits method of behaviour change. In 2019 Mike went to California to do further training with Professor Fogg in ‘Behaviour Design’. Skills and insights he also generously shares with our community and courses on a regular basis.

You can’t put a price on the value that DO brings you. It’s exceptional. 

— Sally Wolff

You can’t put a price on the value that DO brings you. It’s exceptional. 

— Sally Wolff

When will I have access to the course?

Straight away. As soon as you purchase, you will receive an email with your log-in details.

How does this differ from your other courses?

This course is very different from every other one we have done because it deals with time away from work, but that said, it is the missing lesson from all our courses. It exists to help you to develop a clear thinking practice.

How long do I have to complete this course?

It's yours for life!

What if I purchase and don’t see the value?

We exist to serve our audience. If you’re not happy, then neither are we. This is why we offer an iron-clad 30-day refund policy from point of purchase. No questions asked.

I have a team and I’d like them to do the course. Do you do group discounts?

Great and yes! Drop us an email at with details of how many people are in your team and we’ll sort something out.

Are there any prerequisites for this course?

Only an open mind.

A small investment in you to rethink the 5-day week.
This will change everything.


Sales close Friday July 1st at 11:59 BST.

30-Day Guarantee. If for some reason it’s not everything you expected, let us know within 30 days of purchase and we’ll refund you every penny. No questions asked.

© The DO Lectures Ltd, 2022 | Legal Information | Illustrations by Paul Davis